Hong Zhai
Bubble Mental Health Therapy Clinic
Environmental Design
Architecture can transform the treatment of patients in urban mental health by changing or adding colors to the architecture. This bubble mental health therapy clinic combined color therapy with architecture for treatment.
“The concept for this project is transformation - transformation between architecture and mental therapy. Metaphor is bubble - Bubbles are brittle and dull in the absence of light, but they become beautiful and colorful in sunlight. These qualities resemble mental health, which is brittle and affected by surrounding light and colors. Just as a bubble becomes beautiful in the presence of light and color, so does the human mind and psychological well-being.Design Objectives1. Evidence-based recoloring of existing walls2. The design/ specification of customized interior furniture3. Incorporating green areas/ gardens with colourful and visually stimulating plants4. Introducing customized glazing to achieve a robust visual effect5. Specifying customized interior lighting”