Jessica Lui

Hanging by the Thread

"Hanging by the Thread" My artwork, presented through a trilogy of paintings, narrates a journey of personal growth and development.Employing water and ink as my chosen mediums, I embarked on this creative expedition with the intention ofcapturing the essence of life—its revitalizing and curative aspects. Water, as a life-giving and restorative force, serves as a symbolic representation within my work. Its intrinsic qualities resonate with my newfound outlook on life, akin to embracing the fluidity of water's course. Similar to how I surrendered to the uncertainties during my battle with cancer, I now approach life with an open heart, embracing its unpredictability. This acceptance liberates me from the confines of control, fostering a sense of freedom and anticipation as I confront the unknown without preconceived notions. Water and ink seamlessly meld as the mediums of my expression, embodying the fundamental elements that sustain existence. My artistic process, mirroring the humility required in harnessing water's natural flow, reflects the delicate balance of yielding control. Amidst this equilibrium, I find solace in the coexistence of autonomy and surrender. The series of paintings reflects my journey of artistic maturation. The inaugural canvas conveys tentativeness and constraint, much like my initial steps. The second painting exudes a newfound confidence, exemplified through vibrant hues and dynamic motion. The final piece, however, stands as a testament to growth, embracing complexity and entirety by releasing reservations. The interaction between these paintings mirrors my evolution as an artist, encapsulating the journey of life itself. The ebb and flow of my artwork reflect life's rhythm—a dance between progress and letting go. Ultimately, my narrative resembles that of water's journey—sometimes guiding, sometimes yielding, but consistently transforming.

“"Hanging by a Thread" captures the delicate interplay of life's uncertainties. Like a fragile thread, our journey hangs between the known and the unknown. This artwork embodies the vulnerability of existence, where every choice, every chance, and every moment hangs precariously in the balance, shaping our experiences and destinies. The composition intertwines elements of tension and suspension, inviting reflection on the fragility of our paths. Through colour and form, the artwork weaves a narrative of resilience, reminding us to embrace eachthread that forms the intricate tapestry of our lives. As we navigate the delicate balance of the thread's hold, so too do we navigate the intricate balance of our own lives, embracing the beauty and complexity of our human experience.”

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Hanging by the Thread
Hanging by the Thread

Work by

Jessica Lui

Drawing and Painting

“My artistic practice finds its foundation in process-based work, a heartfelt tribute to navigating life experiences with deliberation, patience, and mindfulness. Through my art, I seek to mirror the...” [More]