Olivia Aguiar


Digital Media
This year I had the opportunity to help organize and fundraise for the Drawing and Painting graduating catalogue. This image is the cover I designed for this year's graduating class, considering this year's theme, "Entangle." The nets and the background colours reference the palettes and motifs of DRPT students' work. I am incredibly grateful for the learning opportunity this committee provided, and I look forward to handing out print copies at Gradex!

“EntangleThis year was extraordinary for our graduating class, as for some, although their very last year, it marks their first year in the studio spaces. As classes resumed fully in person in the fall, we quickly began experimenting, allowing curiosity to lead to our creativity and love of story. Together, we re-inhabited a vaguely familiar space that would soon grow to feel like home.Conceptualizing this catalogue, we've chosen to acknowledge the unique year we have spent together while situating ourselves in the lineage of past graduates. This year's theme, Entangle, builds off last year's theme Emerge. For us, Entangle represents what comes after emergence, wholly immersing in the fabric of the OCAD U community, in person. For us, Entangle is also a reminder of collective joy! In particular, this year, the catalogue committee hosted the first Art Prom in three years! Our theme was '70s Glam! This blast to the past marked a critical moment in our time together.In the spirit of funky collectivity, we converged in one space to celebrate our accomplishments; the room buzzed with excitement as we reminisced on the past and imagined what would follow in the coming months. We thank all the donors and sponsors we received for this hugely successful event. Without their support, this catalogue would not be possible.The final results presented in the following pages represent the tremendous work of our peers this past year. We continue to learn so much from one another and our outstanding professors, and we thank all for their immense support and contributions. Although this book represents a culmination of unique individuality and creativity, it has become clear that we are inextricably entangled with one another.—Olivia Aguiar, Abby Tibon and Angelica Candido, Catalogue Committee”

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Work by

Olivia Aguiar

Drawing and Painting

“In an 'auto-archeological' pursuit of identity, I began collecting my late grandfather's digital archives, downloading information from the library of floppy disks he left behind. The sloppily...” [More]