Menna Toeima
Fast Fashion is tempting consumers with convenience, low prices and rapidly changing trends. While a lot of people are interested in buying sustainable fashion, it can be time-consuming and difficult to find trustworthy, sustainable brands — especially when fast fashion items are such an easy alternative. That’s why we created Tortoise, a web extension to help fashion consumers make responsible and sustainable shopping choices.Tortoise educates shoppers about slow and ethical fashion by providing them with all the information they need in one place. It also motivates them to stay on track with their sustainability goals. Together we can make sustainable shopping a simple and straightforward option.This project was created in collaboration with Kristina Brown, a 2021 OCAD U graduate.
Work by
Menna Toeima
“Empathy is the driving force that allows your art to have a true impact on the people it targets. That is why I dedicated a lot of my work exploring solutions to social and environmental issues...” [More]