Jessica Kwan


Digital Media
Digital/Print Design, Augmented Reality, Motion Graphics
Memory Fair Newspaper: 11 x 17 in
An augmented newspaper of nostalgic memories and human sentience.

“In a visually-dominant world where photographs and film are widely used to document “authentic” reality, Memory Fair investigates a new way of re-envisioning past, nostalgic memories in a manner different from the current methods of recording used today. Memory Fair uses a combination of graphic design and augmented reality imagery to express the abstract underpinnings, sentience, and visceral emotions that encode memories for what they mean and feel. The archive of memories that Memory Fair entails is derived from a culmination of personal stories told by participants between the ages of 20 to 30 years old in the form of a research study. From asking questions about the sensorial perceptions felt, the important philosophy and wisdom learned, and memorable quotes or dialogue brought to mind, Memory Fair encourages viewers to re-live nostalgic memories that were thought to be never experienced again.”

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Memory Fair
Memory Fair
Memory Fair
Memory Fair
Memory Fair
Memory Fair
Memory Fair
Memory Fair
Memory Fair
Memory Fair
Memory Fair
Memory Fair
Memory Fair
Memory Fair
Memory Fair
Memory Fair
Memory Fair
Memory Fair
2020, Recession Grads
Digital Archive

Work by

Jessica Kwan

Graphic Design

“As a sports enthusiast and firm believer in the mantra, “go big, or go home", I strive to make a bold impact in all my body of works. ”