Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Sarah Zoccano

Set 2

Mixed media
Set 2 is the culmination of nine months work investigating the uncanny in domestic spaces. It is an installation consisting of wooden walls standing at seven feet tall which, along with a 5'x5' floor, create a corner space. The structure is painted to mimic a domestic space with a window on one wall, and a painting hanging from the other. Finally, the installation has been outfitted with 'real' or found objects; the chair, and the window frame. This allows the viewer to recognize something familiar within the space while also offer a physical space to sit and reflect.

“The structure is built on a platform to invite viewers to step up into the space and serves as a physical reminder that the individual is now stepping up into a different space than the gallery or viewing space. Creating a 'manufactured reality' that is comprised of both real and painted objects to create a traditionally domestic space elicits an uncanny feeling in the viewer, at once both familiar and unfamiliar. The lack of visual cues to indicate time or place allows the viewer to create their own narrative and relationship to the space. Whether negative, positive, disaffected, the response and reaction is theirs and is completely individualistic. Set 2 merely offers a space for the viewer to question, observe, and form a relationship with their surroundings.

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Set 2
Set 2

Work by

Sarah Zoccano

“Displacement and isolation are themes that are reflected in my practice which aims to create installations as a means of escapism. My practice also explores ideas of the uncanny in relation to...” [More]