Jasmine Myers

Shrine of the Báb

watercolour paints on paper
22.5 x 29.5 in
This is a landscape painting I made of the Shrine of the Báb in Haifa, Israel. This shrine is the resting place of the remains of one of the Baha'i Manifestations where visitors are able to go inside the shrine and pray. In real life this shrine is surrounded by a busy city with many houses, buildings and streets. I wanted to make a version that was calmer and more reverent towards the shrine. I've had the chance to visit this shrine in person 2 times (2012 and 2018) and wanted to add a sense of home so I included some trees with Canadian fall colours.

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Shrine of the Báb
Shrine of the Báb

Work by

Jasmine Myers

Drawing, Painting and Animation

“Where I Learned Virtues is a 2D narrative animation that shares my experience with Baha’i children’s classes and explores the idea of learning virtues. Throughout the animation, I share what I...” [More]