Ziyi Wang

FOOD LOTTERY (Waffle crumbs earring)

Gold plated sterling silver
Left:1.9cm x 3cm Right:2.1cm x 1.8cm
Waffle crumbs earring

“Waffle crumbs earrings are trying to restore some fragile food that is crushed or broken by external forces, although these physical damage does not affect the taste of food, but when people are happy to open the package but see the broken food, the mood will still be affected. I used silver metal plating for this piece. There are three pieces of waffle, two pieces of complete cookies cut into uneven pieces and the edge part to make sense of crumbs to make the effect of broken. When the audience opens the box, the first thing they see is the effect of broken cookies, and when they pick up the pieces, they will find that they are wearable earrings.

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FOOD LOTTERY (Waffle crumbs earring)
FOOD LOTTERY (Waffle crumbs earring)
FOOD LOTTERY (Waffle crumbs earring)
FOOD LOTTERY (Waffle crumbs earring)
FOOD LOTTERY (Waffle crumbs earring)
FOOD LOTTERY (Waffle crumbs earring)

Work by

Ziyi Wang

“Jewellery is a medium to convey happiness and joy to people....” [More]