Faculty of Design

Graphic Design

Sierra Bisgould

Still Sad Today

Graphic Design
Depression is a tricky game to navigate. The feeling of emptiness and a lack of drive can be debilitating. Small comforting tasks that would typically bring joy to ones life can feel ineffective. Joyful moments can be both fleeting and useless when in a negative spell. This series works to tap into the tools one may use to promote a sense of hope and optimism in the face of depression.I designed this series as a personal cultural experience, granting permission for others to genuinely relate to the challenges of feeling sad. Throughout the series, the recurring statement, “Sad Today,” illustrated alongside my photographs and captions, aims to create a shared connection and evoke empathy for anyone who struggles with mental illness.

“Being mindful of the sensitive topic, I carefully selected inclusive language that opens up a space for greater interpretation, encouraging the demographic to inwardly reflect and find peace with the information. At first glance, the posters may evoke curiosity for its obscure mannerism that are not common amongst advertisements in popular culture. The viewer is called to analyze the absurdly organic configuration in order to appreciate its deeper meaning on a personal level.In the mock up images presented below, the posters are displayed on building walls as a way to efficiently design the compositional layout of these prototypes, which will be carried out after lockdown restrictions are lifted. By pasting the posters at a large scale around the city on high traffic streets, the photographs will gain more exposure and help viewers know they are not alone in the battle with sadness. Positioning the tag line at a smaller scale, viewers will only be able to consume the deeper meaning when passing on the same side of the street, offering an intimate experience. Society has deemed depression and sadness as something to be ashamed of and therefore, this information can be approached on a personal level to strengthen compassion. Whether someone can relate or has never experienced depression, they will understand that these pleasurable acts can feel numb to those who are sad and will create deeper empathy, which can be translated into support for their loved ones battling hardship.Exploring with playful bubbly type was a strategic choice to lighten up the darker message. Working with the software Blender, the hand drawn letterforms have been digitally rendered in a three-dimensional metallic and reflective conception to elevate the two-dimensional posters. ”

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Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today
Still Sad Today

Work by

Sierra Bisgould

Graphic Design

“My passion is my reality; continuously challenging my perspective in seeking the hidden nuances visible in clear sight.”