Camille Ubay

Our Adventure

Digital Painting
Digital Painting, 2022

“As an artist, I am always inspired by the connections and relationships we form with others. In this piece, I sought to capture the essence of a journey that was as much about the people we shared it with as it was about the adventure itself.The digital painting depicts a scene from a video game that I experienced with an online friend. It was a journey that took us through vast, fantastical landscapes, full of peril and wonder. But what made it truly special was the bond we forged along the way.As I painted this scene, I wanted to convey the sense of camaraderie and shared purpose that defined our adventure. The two characters in the painting stand together, gazing out at the horizon, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The colors are bright and vivid, reflecting the excitement and optimism we felt as we explored this virtual world.But there is also a sense of nostalgia in this painting. It captures a moment in time that can never be replicated, a memory that will always be treasured. The journey we took together was fleeting, but its impact on me as an artist and as a person is immeasurable.Ultimately, this painting is a celebration of friendship and the power of shared experiences. It reminds me that even in a digital world, we can form meaningful connections that last a lifetime.”

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Our Adventure
Our Adventure

Work by

Camille Ubay


“Hi there! My name is Camille and I’m a multidisciplinary artist with a focus on animation, illustration, poetry and digital media....” [More]