Ash Randall-colalillo
As A Threshold
Gouache, Acrylic, Found (concrete, ceramic, wood, granite) Tiles, Nylon (black) Bondage Ropes, polypropylene (yellow) braided rope, Vinyl Tubing, Pepto Bismol, Zinc #8 hooks, Spraypaint, Metal Nails, Tuffback Paper, Electrical tape
Dimensions varied
My work is queer, personal and introspective. This installation of sculptural paintings invites reflective interaction through the exploration of the self as fluid and transitional. It’s a reflection of the body and how we experience our souls and barriers.It demands the question: how do we exist as our own thresholds?
“We are as fragile as these tiles, where we cradle ourselves in experiences, or restrain from vulnerability, yet wonder why our souls seep beyond our barriers that we respond to, sometimes in more impenetrable ways than others.”
Work by
Ash Randall-colalillo aka. ARC
“As artist’s, it is important to ask about the significance of one’s self in space, time, as well as how we move within the space we possess in our bodies. What value do we place on our interactions...” [More]