Camille Ubay


Digital Animation & Recorded Video
This piece is a multi-layered visual experience that combines animated and recorded footage to capture the essence of anxious habits. The piece is carefully crafted, with each layer serving to highlight a different aspect of anxiety. Through the use of vivid colours and textures, the piece creates a visceral experience that visually illustrates anxious habits.

“My animated gif is a portrayal of anxious habits that aims to capture the nuances of this complex emotional state. It is a visual representation of the anxiety that many of us experience in our daily lives, highlighting the subtle ways in which it manifests itself in our behavior.Through the use of animation, I have created a series of looping images that convey the repetitive and cyclical nature of anxious habits. The gif is composed of a variety of different animations, each depicting a different habit or behaviour associated with anxiety, such as hyperawareness, fidgeting, and excelled heart beating. The animations are layered, creating a sense of depth and complexity that mirrors the intricacies of anxiety itself.”

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Work by

Camille Ubay


“Hi there! My name is Camille and I’m a multidisciplinary artist with a focus on animation, illustration, poetry and digital media....” [More]