Ecem Nebioglu


"Mermoriz", is a 2D single-channel animation and semi symbolic story about a girl who is dealing with the loss of her father.

“"Mermoriz", is a 2D single-channel animation and semi symbolic story about a girl who is dealing with the loss of her father. The main themes present in my work are; the ideas of what happens after death, how the word “self” is limited and what happens around a person’s loved ones after they die. The main character, while dealing with her emotions after her father’s passing, seeks a reconnection between them through the boat they shared fond memories and finds out her father continues to exist through her memories and the objects he touched. “Memoriz” is derived from the word “memories”, the ending “iz” means “trace” in Turkish. Using my typical cartoony style with black and white tones, “Memoriz” is an animation where I explore my anxieties over the uncertainty of and also to try to regain a new perspective over death. The concepts and designs were inspired from both personal stories and popular media. “Memoriz” uses the ideas around death to create a narrative over a girl’s effort to reconnect with her father and finding out her father lives on through her memories and with the presence of the boat that they created those memories.”

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Work by

Ecem Nebioglu
