Ardy Llantino

Shutter Street

“Shutter Street”, is about understanding cultures through art, more specifically photography, with the help of gamification. Gamification is a game design technique in which you are incorporating game-like elements to activities outside of gaming. These are done by either listed tasks that are to be completed or a linear progression much like “leveling”. Instead of playing in a virtual world, you are playing within the realms of reality. The core mechanics of the includes completing task, unlocking features, and discovering/exploring/clearing the “city map”. By exploring and completing tasks you get to reveal details and colors of the map. Through this app I hope that users gets to explore, get to know the city and understand the communities within it.

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Shutter Street
Shutter Street
Shutter Street
Shutter Street
Shutter Street
Shutter Street
Shutter Street
Shutter Street

Work by

Ardy Llantino