Sarite Davis

Lavendon't Look at Me

Mixed Media
Cotton fabric, printer ink, embroidery thread
8 in x 8 in embroidery suspended in hoop
A tactile self-portrait.

“I prefer to be behind the camera rather than in front of it. Despite the fact that my face is almost entirely obscured by embroidered lavender flowers, this piece challenged my discomfort. Lavenders symbolize serenity, reflecting my meditative relationship with embroidery, which is seemingly at odds with the stubborn obfuscation of my face. The process was natural, organic; stitch by stitch, a garden took over my face, hiding me from prying eyes and granting me privacy in my pursuit of personal growth.”

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Lavendon't Look at Me
Lavendon't Look at Me

Work by

Sarite Davis


“I'm a Toronto-based photographer and mixed media artist who tries not to take myself or my practice too seriously. My work tends to combine visual and tactile mediums like photography, painting,...” [More]