Khang Do
The concept for this one is as follows: parents(or guardians)' shadow aspects might rub off on the children they're raising, even if children don't show it overtly. Here it's represented by uncontrolled temper and underdeveloped communication skills. Those shadow attributes literally cast a shadow over the child's life and they become the child's own shortcomings to unlearn later on in life. The colorful, peaceful toys and decorations show that even when parents/guardians shower children with the most welcoming wholesome outside influence in the world, the things that rub off on children the most are what they observe in the day to day home life.
“This is from a sketch from my second year class that I really adored but never got around to finish. I'm glad to be able to do it now. I hope this resonated with some of you, or at least got the message across.”