Veri Lee

Living in a Pod

12" by 12"
A working-class woman, who tried to scratch out a living, sighs at the tax bill while the news broadcast of tax evasion is on the TV.

“As it is often seen in articles of tax evasion by politicians in modern times, in the Choson Dynasty, yangbans(means aristocrats) were involved in tax evasions too. Even though they were granted the exemption from the military services and labour, they had to pay land value tax. However, they evaded the payment of tax, such as passing it onto peasants. This illustration depicts the corrupted reality, as a person sighing at the tax bill and the news of tax evasion on the TV screen seen over the room.”

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Living in a Pod
Living in a Pod

Work by

Veri Lee


“"Choson Punk" is a concept art series set in a fictional world created by reinterpreting...” [More]