Zhinuo Lin

The Holy Mountain Poster

In this movie, it is all illusion, there is no immortality, religion is just an escape from reality, and there is no holy mountain, as the guru said at the end, this is a movie, in fact, we have nothing to gain, religion, but also a deception. So I turned the holy mountain upside down. I used a symmetrical composition. Added a lot of symbols and elements from the movie, such as blue eyes, goats, and of course the most important character - the alchemist. The great thing about the Holy Mountain is not in the absurdity, but in the use of artistic exaggeration to show the magical reality of the current society. Goodbye Holy Mountain. Real life awaits us.

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The Holy Mountain Poster
The Holy Mountain Poster

Work by

Zhinuo Lin

Illustrator | Fashion Designer | Dreamer

Zhinuo Lin is an illustrator who loves hawthorn roll! Surprising colour schemes, innovative and simple illustrations, fresh colours, and long eyelash eyes are my trademark!”