Laura Arango


Intune: A digital platform that helps teens understand their emotions by using AI to track a user's mental state based on their listening habits. The platform allows the user to document their emotions as they listen to their favorite songs, collecting data in order to provide custom insights and reflections that can educate users on their emotional journey in ways they may not have considered otherwise.

“Most teens struggle with mental health but they aren't talking about it, which means it isn't being properly addressed.Teens don't know how to talk about their emotions, because they don't know what those emotions are in the first place.Music plays such a significant role in the the coming of age experience, that 80% of Gen Z's "say they've discovered something new about themselves by looking back on their listening habits." (Spotify) These newfound personal insights can become an important resource when it comes to opening up and addressing mental heath, empowering teens through self-discovery and emotional literacy to be the agents of their own wellbeing.”

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Out Of Home
Out Of Home
2023, GradEx 108
OCAD University

Work by

Laura Arango


“Curiosity hasn't killed me yet.”