Skylar Kim


From the moment we are born, we become observers, perceiving the world through our senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch) and emotions. We observe others, and they observe us.

“As observers, we judge people based on our perceptions, experiences, and learning, striving to understand them within ourselves.On the left is a capture of the simplest and easiest way to perceive someone - by observing their behavior and appearance. However, this perception is limited by our own knowledge.On the right is an exploration of a more nuanced way of hearing and feeling people, one that requires us to pay closer attention. Despite this, comprehending another person remains an illusion.The ball represents us as observers, limited by our own knowledge, trying to understand others through our perceptions and beliefs. There will always be a gap in communication between the observer and the person being observed.”

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Work by

Skylar Kim

Directing & Video & Photography

“I love meaning-making and telling stories through short-form videos”