Siu Woollard
Oh, Horizon
Mixed Media
Mixed fibres, glass beads, canvas
9 inches
Oh, Horizon is a hand-woven work measuring 9 inches in diameter. Utilizing rich warmtones, the weaving features an olive-toned cotton warp with wool roving, acrylic, and cotton weftthat is backed onto gessoed canvas and adorned with size 11/0 glass seed beads. Across thesurface of the weaving emerges tufts of texture both naturally provided by the materials but alsothrough their manipulation. Braided and looped, over and under, the work pulses in the watchfuleye of the viewer.The name itself, Oh, Horizon is a play on the “O Horizon”: another name for the topmost layer of the forest floor. It is at this layer that leaves and branches are seen and are still highly recognizable as they are - not a significant amount of decomposition has occurred yet. However; the O Horizon is the gateway into the wondrous realm of the soil and by extension, acts as the boundary between worlds. The Oh, Horizon pays homage to such a boundary, celebrating the intricacies of the forest floor and the living beings who inhabit it - namely fungi.