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Faculty of Art


Barbara Astman

150+ Reasons

Acrylic on wood
125cm x 98cm
650 (CAD) For Sale
This artwork was created by emerging artist Talie Shalmon, as a social enterprise project by VIBE Arts to acknowledge Canada's 150th anniversary. The artist was inspired by reasons submitted by KPMG people as to why they love Canada.

“150+ Reasons represents the diversity of Canada and the things that make it great. 150+ Reasons represents the rich mosaic that is Canada. The swirling colours are symbolic of Canada's landscape: red for the maple leaves, yellow for the sun and crops, green for the forests, and blue for the lakes and oceans.”

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150+ Reasons
150+ Reasons
150+ Reasons
150+ Reasons
150+ Reasons
150+ Reasons

Work by

Barbara Astman aka. Barb


“"...echoes across more than a century of technological innovation and evolution of the medium"."Audacious, humorous, improbable." "Intimate, personal, and quietly enthralling."”