Ariana Di Sanzo

Warped Perspective

Acrylic paint, watercolour and pencil crayon on stretched canvas
24 inches by 36 inches
An abstract moment of realization.

“Warped Perspective is a captivating painting that utilizes stark contrasts to create a powerful visual impact. The highly saturated dress, which radiates with vibrant color, stands in stark contrast to the bruised and bleeding figure, creating a sense of tension and unease. The warped grid background further adds to the sense of disorientation and confusion that permeates the piece, contributing to its overall abstract and dreamlike quality.Through its use of abstraction, the painting captures the essence of a moment of realization and self-reflection, inviting the viewer to explore their own emotions and experiences. The bruising and bleeding of the figure hint at a sense of violence or trauma, while the vibrant colors of the dress and background add a layer of beauty and hope to the piece.Despite its darker undertones, Warped Perspective is a testament to the power of art to transform difficult experiences into something that is both meaningful and transcendent. Its abstract approach allows for multiple interpretations, encouraging the viewer to engage with the painting in a deeply personal and emotional way. ”

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Warped Perspective
Warped Perspective

Work by

Ariana Di Sanzo aka. LCVEUROPA

Mixed Media

“art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable”