Natalie Wesselius


Oil, oil stick, and gel medium transfer on paperboard
32 x 40 inches
Pareidolia is a complex form of illusion where we identify patterns in spaces or compositions. This includes faces or butterflies in inkblots, or in this case figures in the dark. When looking at a chair, I feel someone sitting in it; a presence of being. When looking into an empty room, it is still in time but of otherworldly. For a long time, I used to be afraid of the fire alarm that stared at me through the door or the bath tub drain that did the same; coats in the dark are horror-like characters or the shadow of the chandelier is a baby. Pareidolia is uncontrollable, instinctual, but at times overwhelming. This painting represents how the imaginative takes ahold of your spaces in ways that can be frightening.

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Work by

Natalie Wesselius


“Obsessing over our relationships to domestic objects in a dissociating commodified world, I create psycho-active timeless spaces that signify both the presence and absence of the figure. Using...” [More]