Faculty of Design


Dave Thaker

Switch App

While you're in-store shopping, trying to find the best possible price or a similar product elsewhere. A large chunk of your shopping time is spent searching online to find information about products, prices, and quality. Where you lose valuable shopping time, this app is designed to save shoppers time by doing all the research for them. With just a click of a photo, the app scans the contents of the image to find similar products online and in-store. Using your current location, the app suggests products that are within your radius. Also, providing an inventory on each store saving you travel time and giving the option of having your products shipped to you the next day if you choose to buy within the app. The switch is focused on reducing the shoppers' stress and saving time by providing a fun and easy shopping experience.

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Switch App
Switch App
Switch App
Switch App
Switch App
Switch App
Switch App
Switch App
Switch App
Switch App
Switch App
Switch App
Switch App
Switch App
Switch App
Switch App

Work by

Dave Thaker


“A designer who approaches design with the aim of breaking the norm while constantly learning. ”