Kelly Lin


Graphic Design
Find out how addicted YOU are to the internet with the link below. IADA is a safe and easy way to learn about yourself and keep you aware of your addiction. Make sure to have a full night's sleep, hydrate, and eat before taking this test. The test will take 5 or more minutes, so ensure that you are comfortable and relaxed during the session. Have fun, and good luck. ....This is a thesis project about internet addiction disorder. It takes a fresh perspective on the illness by diving into a concept of treating addiction with an inquisitive, yet detached manner. Set in an environment that aims to control internet use and questions how online services are sometimes built around supporting this addiction, this is meant to be a speculative piece about our time spent online. IADA (Internet Addiction Disorder Assessment), is an automated test to determine the online addiction resistance in a person. It is a test formed out of questioning addiction itself. Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD), is an illness that is difficult to diagnose, significantly rising in numbers with younger generations, truly detrimental if it goes untreated. And interestingly enough, it’s one of the illnesses that are subtly encouraged with the way our society functions. Addiction itself, especially in the beginning stages, is such a subjective illness. When one says they’re addicted, they can be physically dependent on a substance, compulsively desire a particular action, act repeatedly in ways that interfere with daily life, or they might simply enjoy an activity so much that they choose to do it for extended periods of time. One major turning point in the research was realizing that an addiction disorder to a substance or behaviour meant that the particular substance or behaviour was interfering with daily personal function and societal needs. What does this mean for an addictive behaviour that works in favour of our online societal wants and needs? What if people tried to control this behaviour?

“We're all familiar with our physical personal space, but what about our personal virtual space? Are we happy to spend hours a day laying comfortably in bed, phone in hand, and head on a soft pillow... happily staying online?”

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IADA introductory screen
IADA introductory screen
Sample question light mode
Sample question light mode
Sample question dark mode
Sample question dark mode
IADA activities pages
IADA activities pages
IADA assessment last activity
IADA assessment last activity
IADA assessment end
IADA assessment end

Work by

Kelly Lin

Graphic Design

“Imagine this: you've just arrived home after an exciting day. You've kicked off your shoes, shrugged off your bags, you're so ready to relax in the comfort of your bed... and your phone vibrates....” [More]