Danielle Coleman

I Hope You're Doing Well

Mixed Media
Painting within the expanded field.

“To have the world ripped from underneath my feet in the matter of a moment changed my view on love. Two years ago I had to find my footing, grabbing onto anything to understand how to move on with no closure.How do you mourn the beloved who is still living? How do you find authentic relationships when you’re weighted with the overwhelming grief for a person who is physically alive and well, but emotionally and mentally dead, removed without warning?A month away from the two-year anniversary, at the penultimate end of two year’s work, I am in the passenger seat of the vehicle with that dead beloved. A thirteen-hour conversation ends with the beloved confessing: “I don’t want this conversation to end. I never want this car ride to end.”Pauline Boss may have taught me what ambiguous loss is, but there is no academia to tell me what happens when the dead becomes alive again.

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I Hope You're Doing Well
I Hope You're Doing Well
I Hope You're Doing Well
I Hope You're Doing Well
I Hope You're Doing Well
I Hope You're Doing Well
I Hope You're Doing Well
I Hope You're Doing Well
2019, GradEX
OCAD U (Toronto, On, Canada)

Work by

Danielle Coleman


“Coleman explores the distaste or taboo of communicating romance within visual works of art. The language of kitsch allows the work to be excessive and garish, overly sentimental and ironic. Coleman...” [More]