Ariana Di Sanzo

Aurora's Melody

acrylic paint, watercolour and glitter glue on stretched canvas
24 inches by 36 inches
A portrait of an unknown fantasy character.

“Aurora's Melody embodies a captivating and ethereal essence, transporting the viewer into a realm of infinite imagination and enchantment. Paying particular attention to detail, especially on the intricate beading of the dress and headpiece. Each delicate bead has been painstakingly rendered, creating a sense of depth and texture that adds to the overall richness of the piece. The presence of four arms, two of which are bruised, offers a fascinating hint of depth and complexity to the character, lending a mysterious and alluring quality to the painting. The figure exudes an undeniable elegance and grace, evoking a sense of poise and beauty that is otherworldly and entrancing. The ornate white dress, inspired by elements of fantasy and folklore, instills a sense of awe and wonder, imparting a dreamlike quality to the painting. Aurora's Melody can be interpreted as a portrait of an unknown protagonist, compelling the viewer to embark on a journey of discovery, driven by a sense of intrigue and longing to unravel the mysteries surrounding the character. The infusion of fantasy elements, combined with the meticulous attention to detail and subtle hints of intrigue, render this work an exceptional and unforgettable masterpiece, one that beckons the viewer to explore its many layers and nuances.”

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Aurora's Melody
Aurora's Melody

Work by

Ariana Di Sanzo aka. LCVEUROPA

Mixed Media

“art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable”