Ashley Mozo

Razor As Deforestation

Digital Illustration (Photoshop)
Topic: DeforestationCommon Human Activity/Object: Shaving, hair removalSynthesis: Typically used for removing hair, the razor acts as a thresher to clear-cut the forest, resulting in dry skin and loss of moisture. Body hair is meant to retain heat and is a thermoregulation for the body, but are often considered unappealing. Cheap razors are manufactured through the carbon-intensive production of steal and plastic and high-water use. An estimated 2 billion razors are discarded each year. “Forest of hair.”

“The razor acts as a thresher to clear-cut forests, resulting in desertification, habitat loss, and decreasing wood.”

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Razor As Deforestation
Razor As Deforestation
Razor As Deforestation
Razor As Deforestation
Razor As Deforestation
Razor As Deforestation
Razor As Deforestation
Razor As Deforestation
Razor As Deforestation
Razor As Deforestation
Razor As Deforestation
Razor As Deforestation
Razor As Deforestation
Razor As Deforestation

Work by

Ashley Mozo


“"The Everyday" illustrates the repercussions of human activity and its impacts on the environment. It visualizes the destruction of the natural world synthesized with everyday objects to amplify the...” [More]