Ernesto Cabral de Luna

Flowers for Heinecken - Triptych

Triptych of analog collages made from LIFE Magazines
44" x 32"
Both sides of a LIFE Magazine page depicted on the same plane - achieved through analog means on a scanner.

“Inspired by Robert Heinecken’s series "Are You Rea", this work emphasizes the multi-dimensionality and materiality of the image. Through its appropriation - this altering of perception provides new ways to experience images previously disseminated for a specific context, purpose and way of viewing. Created in an algorithm-centric online world which curates personal and targeted experiences for individual viewers, this series coopts the existing layouts imposed by the magazine’s editor, a layout and organization of content which has been created for the purpose of everyone viewing and experiencing in the same way.In going against this universal configuration, this work invites viewers to see something recognizable in a different light and in ways that you’re not supposed to. By challenging and deconstructing the structures of dissemination, it is not only the role of the artist, editor or publisher who create meaning - rather it is in a state of constant flux with its context and viewer.”

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Flowers for Heinecken
Flowers for Heinecken
Flowers for Heinecken
Flowers for Heinecken
Flowers for Heinecken
Flowers for Heinecken
Flowers for Heinecken
Flowers for Heinecken

Work by

Ernesto Cabral de Luna aka. abrokeniris

Lens-based Artist

“My BFA thesis project "Mining For Some Sort of Continuity" interrogates repercussions of colonization: primarily the constraints on movement across borders. The series encompasses archival and...” [More]