Elizabeth DeCoste

01 Earthsong

Found animal bones, shells, glass, plant matter, stones in printer's drawer.
Central piece to 'Specufabula' thesis project.

“Through the methodology and display of collection, I approach taxonomy as a speculative and poetic tool. I explore the physical and conceptual histories of found objects while re-contextualizing my collection in imagined realities. Using the aesthetics of classification, scientific illustration, and museum display, I highlight the imperfections and connotations inherent in these classification systems using poetics to label and arrange objects as an alternative form of storytelling. I layer categorical systems to highlight their arbitrary nature through juxtaposition: the categories of letterpress type, taxonomic categories, and my own organizational strategy. Archival practices of cataloguing and compartmentalization through drawers creates a pseudo-museological space in the installation. Viewers are invited to investigate objects using the magnifying glass.”

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2022, Proximities: OCADU Life Studies Thesis Show
Gallery 1313

Work by

Elizabeth DeCoste

Life Studies and Printmaking/Publications

“My thesis project "Specufabula” explores Western knowledge systems found in scientific and museological histories. The term "Specufabula" references a neologism posed by Helen Palmer in her article...” [More]