Malik Dieleman
Experimental Process: Toning Cyanotypes
Toned Cyanotypes on Watercolour Paper
During his time at OCAD U, Malik discovered a love for the historical process of making Cyanotypes. In this alternative photography method, paper is coated with light-sensitive chemicals, covered with a negative, and exposed to UV light. Building upon this process, Malik experiments by applying bleach and a variety of natural dyes (wine tannin, pomegranate rind, tea, coffee, etc.) to tone the bright blue prints into a spectrum of colours, including yellows, browns, and reds.
“In my final year, I began an independent study to produce a resource book, compiling research and examples of my Cyanotype toning experiments. This project was interrupted by COVID-19 lockdowns. However, I am eager to get back into a darkroom and complete it. This resource will be made available for future students and to the wider art community.”
Work by
Malik Dieleman
“I have always been drawn to the interaction between human and place....” [More]