Ermar Tanglao

Weathey Journey

Digital Media
A Weathery Journey is a single-player 3D puzzle platformer in which the player uses a controller to navigate the main character, named Atlas, around the level. The player will face progressively challenging puzzles, and must use their character’s weather abilities to manipulate parts of the environment to succeed. Each level will require a different set of abilities the player must use to solve the puzzle and complete the level. The levels will consist of miniature ‘islands’ isolated from one another in space. Once a level is completed, by finding the portal to the next wizard trial, the player will be ported to the next level. Some levels may be outside, while others may be in confined rooms deep below the surface!Playable Demo Below

“Role: 3D Modelling, Game Design, Level Design”

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A Weathey Journey
A Weathey Journey
A Weathey Journey
A Weathey Journey
2020, Level Up Showcase

Work by

Ermar Tanglao

3D Modelling & Game Design

“I am a 3D modeller and Game Designer interested in creating immersive experiences for users”