Hayley Chiu

A calm heart cools the body

oil on canvas
36" x 36"
心靜自然涼。“A calm heart cools the body”; a phrase I would only ever hear in Hong Kong’s summers, said by my mother. She is frugal and eco-conscious, convincing me not to turn on the air conditioner just yet despite the suffocating heat inside our small, stuffy apartment. This phrase became more than just something to deal with the heat, but a mantra of self discipline and moderation. Why consume in excess when the body is strong enough to withstand it? Trust my body, and the solutions I seek will reveal themselves within me.

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A calm heart cools the body
A calm heart cools the body

Work by

Hayley Chiu

Drawing and Painting

“My home is where I fall asleep and where I wake; not defined by place, but my being. I’m always where I need to be with what I need to thrive. “Snail’s Home”, or 「蝸居」, explores and celebrates this...” [More]