Alice Wong

The Life and Death of The Closeted

A collection of 26 creators works by artists, creators, digital media makers, and designers tackling the criticality within the LGBTQ2S+ Communities. These sets of works came out of the Making Gender: LGBTQ2S+ Course at OCAD University, Fall 2022.Tackling issues of gender representations, relationships, beliefs, and cultural stands that informs the ongoing conversation in Queer and Gender Theory, coming from different backgrounds, experiences, and criticality. Outside the Box Collective are proud in support of QUEERIOUS: The Politics of Gender Identity.

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The Life and Death of The Closeted
The Life and Death of The Closeted
2022, QUEERIOUS: the Politics of Gender Identity

Work by

Alice Wong aka. Lyluu0

Drawing and Painting

“35 is a digital and traditional watercolour series that describes an open-ended dream. Inspired by Surrealism and German Expressionism, 35 centres the conflicts between two characters, Haruka, the...” [More]