Wang Zi

Yi Hua Li

20 x 28
We grew up in a small military community compound in Nanjing, Yi Hua Li 7 was the home of many military musician-veterans (南京军区政治部前线文工团). My cousin Jiang Han and I spent lots of time playing under the lush fig tree in Grandma's busy garden.This piece is part of the Canada Council Art Bank 50th Anniversary acquisition in 2023.

“Homecoming is an interrogative series that examines the decisions we made in relationship with where we are in life today. Every time we move, we make choices of what eventually goes into the luggage with us. That 50 lbs of luggage is full of choices; they are squeezed into each other, along with our bittersweet memories of home and family. Now I print them onto paper, and these are the shapes of our decisions.《回箱》是一组由铜版、丝网、石版画组成的系列作品,作品灵感源自我第一次出国时打包的经历。每一次迁徙,每一次打包,带什么?留什么?我们必须做选择。23公斤的行李被层层叠叠包裹,箱子里装着我们难以割舍的岁月、亲情和回忆。现在,我用油墨将其定格于纸上。《回箱》记载了我们一次次选择的形状。”

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Yi Hua Li
Yi Hua Li

Work by

Wang Zi aka. 王紫

“a curious frog”