Tamar Bresge

Portrait of the Artist as the Painter

Performance for portrait, oil on linen
Three sittings (13.5 hours) 60 cm x 70.3 cm x 2.2 cm
To engage in play with the popular image of 'the artist,' which looks nothing like my studio practice, I dressed and posed in the image of the 'great' painter. Painted in duality with another portrait of the same size, teasing through the the dichotomic reality of popular conceptions of an artist, versus my own, actual studio practice; largely formed by reading. I am obsessed by the projection of the self, and each portrait is an exercise in telling the viewer things about myself that I cannot so easily say; but, also, to play with narrative, storytelling, and the space between reality and unreality. Fact: I believe in fiction. April 2-4, 2019Florence, Italy.

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Portrait of the Artist as the Painter
Portrait of the Artist as the Painter

Work by

Tamar Bresge

Literary Art, Performance, Sculpture/Installation, Photography

“I miss places that never existed”