Salima Rasheed


Integrated Media
Wood, clear acrylic, monitor
70.5” x 26” x 25.5”
00:05:00 [hh:mm:ss]
Hereafter is a video sculpture that explores memories and trauma. The work comprises of a plinth constructed out of baltic birch plywood built at human scale, an inverted plexiglass crown, and a 5-minute text-based video loop, played through a portable device. The plinth houses the video playback and supports an optical prism that uses the Pepper’s Ghost illusion to display text. Hereafter is intended as a monument to bereavement, and generates an open dialogue with the viewer.

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Work by

Salima Rasheed

Integrated Media

“I am an artist specializing in sculpture, installation, video, and film. My work focuses on loss, facades and intimacy through the lens of psychology and emotion, and explores the synthesis of...” [More]