Faculty of Art
Cross-Disciplinary Art: Publications
Cleopatria Peterson (they/them)
This series was going to be reiterated to include a variety of coupons that parodied tons of corporations and important resources that not only transgender but BIPOC, queer, and disabled folks need. The coupons are funny but also work to address an inaccessibility of things such as hormonereplacement therapy and top surgery. The coupons imagine a world where you can go to the mall and get things that are necessary for people to live and survive. The use of parody allows an access point to something that is actually a very harsh realityfor many trans people.
Work by
Cleopatria Peterson (they/them)
Printmaker, Zine-Maker, Storyteller & Illustrator
“Cleopatria Peterson is a non-binary black multidisciplinary artist that believes in the importance of storytelling, love and nature above all things. Their award winning thesis explored print as...” [More]