Christina Vercillo


Mixed Media
1.5' - 2' (45.8cm - 61cm)
This piece in my collection of FEAR represents anxiety and my experience with it throughout my life. ANXIETY is a group of multiple works of an abstracted and realistic nature. They each depict a dull, black surface surrounding a bright red centre. On the surface are multiple eyeballs that seem to look right into you, leaving an unsettling feeling of being watched.

“When thinking of my experience with anxiety, I thought of walking into a room with everyone's eyes on me. When I used to do this, I would have negative thoughts of being perceived and judged that would flood my mind leaving me in distress. I focused on the feeling of how I would feel a tingling burning sensation through my body and I used that as inspiration for the overall look of the work. I created an abstracted piece in which all eyes are always on the viewer to resemble the feeling of experiencing discomforting anxiety.”

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2023, GradEx
OCAD University

Work by

Christina Vercillo

Drawing and Painting