Latiesha Faisal
This evocative artwork, aptly titled "Lost," serves as a visual metaphor for the tumultuous journey within the realm of artistry. It portrays the intricate dance of navigating the art world, where one often finds themselves swept along by the currents of trends and expectations, only to suddenly veer off course and grapple with existential doubts about the quality and authenticity of their work.In an era dominated by the pervasive influence of social media metrics such as likes and followers, the temptation to measure one's artistic worth solely through these numerical indicators looms large. It's all too easy to fall prey to the allure of validation through superficial engagement, gradually drifting away from the core essence of one's creative identity in pursuit of fleeting external validation."Lost" encapsulates the profound inner conflict experienced by artists as they navigate this treacherous landscape. It invites viewers to contemplate the delicate balance between external recognition and internal fulfillment, prompting introspection on the true measure of artistic success. Through its poignant imagery, the artwork serves as a poignant reminder to reconnect with one's authentic creative voice amidst the cacophony of external pressures, finding solace and purpose in the unfettered expression of personal vision and passion.
Work by
Latiesha Faisal
Digital Futures
“In the realm of digital design, I thrive on the ever-evolving landscape, employing design thinking to sculpt ideas that not only adapt but also lead the charge into the future. ...” [More]