Hana Hozhabr Pour

Women of the sun land

Mixed Media
26X22 Inches
Researching for new material was the next step which accrued outside of the studio. Finding acrylic sheets(plastic) on the street was the moment that transformed my practice. It was the moment where I thought I could try to come out of the surface of paintings and activate more spaces. Challenges and Concerns of how to activate more outsider spaces. I had to form the acrylic sheets, make them smooth and build a puzzle form to allow them to stand on top of each other.Forming acrylic sheets with heater and drawing on them with drill made my acrylic sheets more organic. I also paint them to harmonized them with the previous layers.

“I need to draw a direct line to connect me with the women of the sun land (10)Colourful like your Queer soulLike life full of everythingLike free form of dancelike forming a dance habitlight, small but effectiveit is just a small fluid gesture, but every single day. To (verb) as inspired by Amy Silman, that play a huge role to be able to directly connect with the language of the process of my work. Through the fragmented layers of gesture and deconstructed structure, Sun stands as the origin inside the rigid structures.”

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Work by

Hana Hozhabr Pour

Multi- disciplinary