Andre Siqueira

The Queer Experience 08

Silk Organza, Wood
14x20 inches
Self Portrait 08Photography credit: André Siqueira

“The jumping off point for my thesis was honouring the queer lives we’ve lost, those who never got to see their fight reach the rights we have today. The message I have strived to convey within my work is that queer lives matter, and we will not be silent until we are equal. My body of work celebrates the queer experience by showcasing all aspects of how it has impacted my life, I wanted to proudly stand in the light.”

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The Queer Experience 08
The Queer Experience 08

Work by

Andre Siqueira


“The jumping off point for my thesis was honouring the queer lives we’ve lost, those who never got to see their fight reach the rights we have today. I have taken large inspiration from the Stonewall...” [More]