Madhura Thavalingam

Once, Long Ago

Oil on Canvas
8 x 10"
This is another painting from the "Once Upon A Lost Time" collection representing a natural landscape which has since been lost. As another place that was a common sight within my childhood, a space filled with overgrown grass, tall trees and shortcuts. This place like that of the other paintings, works to recollect the sunshine and warmth of the experiences and memories it provided while it lasted.

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Once, Long Ago
Once, Long Ago
Once, Long Ago
Once, Long Ago
2024, GradEX 109
OCAD University

Work by

Madhura Thavalingam

Drawing and Painting

“We lay our scene in a domestic interior reminiscent of those from another time, where decorative patterns of green foliage line the walls and over which hangs a small collection of landscape...” [More]