Vanessa Krause


Solid Bronze
These solid bronze hands are cast from silicone moulds. They are meant as a tribute to women's work - the word "kraft" in German can mean strong, however, when read in English can also represent "craft" practices. The hands are heavy and solid - standing in contrast to the warm embrace of the subject's hands. A trace of time remains cast forever.

“Like photography (though with far greater effort), casting destabilizes the relationship between the artist’s touch and the work. For this reason, foundry casting, with its delegation of labour, fits awkwardly into the narratives of craft that are strongly associated with uniqueness.” (Glenn Adamson, “Power to the Second Craft”. in Metalsmith. Vol 38, No. 3. July 26, 2018. ).”

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Crochet Hands
Crochet Hands
Bronze Work in Progress
Bronze Work in Progress
Wax Hands
Wax Hands
Silicone Mould
Silicone Mould

Work by

Vanessa Krause

Sloppy Craft and Sculpture

“Making and Mending is a collection of process-based research. By using methods such as deskilling and reskilling, my work applies sloppy craft practices to create time consuming soft sculptures....” [More]