Jingyi Dong
By the Power of the Moon
Graphic Design
‘By the Power of the Moon’, is a moon-themed exhibition that aims to provide people with a place to relax and decompress from our fast-paced, stressful lives when we are too busy with work or study to spare sufficient time to travel and relax. ‘By the Power, the Moon’ provides people with a place to put aside their worries for a while and to take a short trip into the exhibition.
“The idea for this exhibition is to celebrate the rich cultural, symbolic and scientific significance of the Moon to us on Earth, and its impacts on our moods and emotions or, as some believe, in bringing us good luck, therefore, named the exhibition ‘By the Power of the Moon’, in the belief, and with the hope that the moon’s power will help people drive away their worries and bring them good fortune. The exhibition structure in 3D modelling using Cinema 4D. The exhibition is organized around six parts: main foyer, corridor, cheese room, relie, separate rooms and space room.”