Jin Qian

Go by the Moon

my photography series serves as a testament to the multifaceted nature of womanhood, offering a space for reflection, empowerment, and dialogue. By embracing the raw and unfiltered realities of fertility and menstruation, I hope to challenge societal norms, foster empathy, and inspire a deeper appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the female experience. Through my work, I seek to create a more inclusive and understanding world—one where women are celebrated for their strength, resilience, and inherent power.

“In Chinese, a month is referred to as "a moon." It serves as a unit of time in the calendar, with its duration traditionally determined by the cycle of the changing phases of the moon. Additionally, in Chinese, a woman's menstruation is represented by two characters: Yue Jing 月经. "Yue 月," meaning month, and "Jing 经," meaning passage or experience. Originally interpreted as a monthly occurrence, here I interpret it as "going by the moon." A candid exploration of womanhood's raw, unfiltered experiences, my photography series “Go by the moon” delve deep into the often taboo topics of fertility and menstruation. This series of intimate and thought-provoking images challenges societal norms by fostering a more intimate relationship between the body and its natural processes. The essence of my work lies in its unapologetic honesty. In the first piece of the series, I confront the viewer with a fragment of myself holding a piece of fabric stained with menstrual blood. By deliberately obscuring my identity, I invite the audience to project their own experiences onto the image, emphasizing the universality of the menstrual experience while honoring its deeply personal nature. Similarly, the second piece disrupts conventional notions of cleanliness and propriety, featuring a pair of disposable underwear adorned with visible blood stains, suspended randomly on the wall. This straightforward portrayal challenges viewers to confront the reality of menstruation head-on, dismantling the stigma that surrounds it.Moving beyond mere representation, I delve into the symbolism of fertility, exploring the inherent creative power of the female body. In the subsequent images, delicate eggs are positioned strategically upon my body, symbolizing the potential for life and growth. Whether resting upon my legs, nestled within the curve of my abdomen, or cradled between my elbow and back, I see these eggs as metaphors for the inherent fertility of womanhood. Through these compositions, I seek to celebrate the beauty and complexity of the female reproductive system, while also acknowledging the physical and emotional challenges associated with fertility.Yet, alongside these moments of celebration and empowerment, my work also grapples with themes of discomfort and vulnerability. In the sixth piece of the series, my face is contorted in pain as transparent balloons distort its features—a visceral representation of the physical agony experienced during menstruation. This image serves as a poignant reminder of the often-overlooked pain and discomfort that accompany the menstrual cycle, challenging viewers to confront their preconceived notions of femininity and resilience.The series is finished in a stark visual representation of the cumulative volume of blood lost by women throughout their reproductive years. A clear water tank, holding approximately seven liters of water, serves as a sobering reminder of the physical sacrifices demanded by the female body. This image, while confronting in its simplicity, also speaks to the resilience and strength inherent within the female experience, highlighting the ways in which women navigate and endure the challenges of menstruation with grace and fortitude.As a whole, my photography series serves as a testament to the multifaceted nature of womanhood, offering a space for reflection, empowerment, and dialogue. By embracing the raw and unfiltered realities of fertility and menstruation, I hope to challenge societal norms, foster empathy, and inspire a deeper appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the female experience. Through my work, I seek to create a more inclusive and understanding world—one where women are celebrated for their strength, resilience, and inherent power.

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Work by

Jin Qian


“📸 As a recent graduate with a passion for photography and a keen eye for concept and portrait work, I bring a fresh perspective to visual storytelling. My background in Chinese culture adds depth...” [More]