Artwork Collection

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Bad Circuit
Bad Circuit
Received Award


Bad Circuit

A video plays on loop on an old model flat screen that rests on the floor against an Orange Home Depot Bucket. A flexible metal conduit comes out of the bucket, wrapping around the screen, partially filled with cement. Miscellaneous objects such as... More

It Takes 3
It Takes 3
Received Award


It Takes 3

A cement-filled-duct object is held up by two unidentified brackets and a tire. Each component relies on the other two for the object to stand on its own. To find this balance, this work requires three sets of hands to assemble.

Underlying Principal
Underlying Principal
Received Award


Underlying Principal

Drilled into a wall is Underlying Principal, a skeletal form that resembles scaffolding made out of corner beads (metal brackets that protect the corners of drywall). Scaffolding problematizes the idea of buildings as autonomous structures that do... More




Viscous collages made up of image junk (a collection of found images and images of found moments) printed onto transfer paper, and attached through heat to flexible vinyl ducting.

where I end I begin again
where I end I begin again


where I end I begin again

Layers upon layers of latex are applied to a mesh grid. While the latex sets it finds its way to adhere itself to the debris of its surrounding, traces of its environment. Asphalt, pebbles, spilt coffee, seeds and flowers, and scarps from the drop... More

Work by

Max Lester

Sculpture, Media, & Installation

“Tending to that which is sticky, jarring, and hidden in plain sight.”