Artwork Collection

Past Works

Still Live
Still Live


Still Live

Painted flowers withering away on a live video on Youtube.

Shiny Façade
Shiny Façade


Shiny Façade

Inside the frame, pushing up against the fabric. My hands meet others who choose to engage.

Untitled (Glue)
Untitled (Glue)


Untitled (Glue)

Behind the veil, pouring PVA white glue over oneself.

From Me To You
From Me To You


From Me To You

200 presents - all hand-cut, folded, strung, tagged, and signed.

Paying It Forward
Paying It Forward


Paying It Forward

Repairing and restoring MCA Room 364 over a three-day period. Before and After.

Work by

Lauren Porter

Sculpture/Installation Performance

“The vanishing point, where entities appear to dissolve, guides exploration through converging timelines. The works reveal illusions of appearance and disappearance through a viewer’s active...” [More]