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Daddy's Shirt
Daddy's Shirt


Daddy's Shirt

A shirt my dad Wang Yuezhong wore in his 20s, later grandma altered it into her size. I took this shirt from Grandma before I left Nanjing.

Grandma, North Korea 1952
Grandma, North Korea 1952


Grandma, North Korea 1952

A photo taken by unknown North Korean soldier for my Grandma Wu Zhiqi, her friends of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, and troopers from North Korea

Homecoming-Project Cocoon 回箱|绞丝旁计划
Homecoming-Project Cocoon 回箱|绞丝旁计划


Homecoming-Project Cocoon 回箱|绞丝旁计划

回箱 · 绞丝旁计划 “绞丝旁计划” 是母女艺术家组合——朱丹丹和王紫,以“Homecoming 回箱”作品为蓝本,打造的实验性社区拓展项目。该计划通过深入加拿大各个地区的小社区,以家族故事为题材,以物品为线索,用图文并茂的形式,创作家族历史相关的综合媒介艺术家书。各族裔参与者通过面对面的教学活动,尝试用艺术的手法记录情感,讲述一段故事。在分享和聆听家族故事中,增进彼此了解,创造包容性的文化。“绞丝旁计划”旨在鼓励人们关注自己家族的迁徙和变迁,进而深度探索自我身份认同。 回箱 · ... More

Little Eyelet Monster Forest study
Little Eyelet Monster Forest study


Little Eyelet Monster Forest study

A set of 4 postcards

Mom's Tee
Mom's Tee


Mom's Tee

Mom's tee. A T-shirt that my mother Zhu Dandan purchased in Nanjing back in the 80s during her college, later grandma altered it into her pajama. I took this shirt as my pajama before I left for Canada as a piece of souvenir.

Mothers of Da Fang Xiang
Mothers of Da Fang Xiang


Mothers of Da Fang Xiang

It was always the woman in my family who made major life decisions that changed the destiny of my lineage, whether they were conscious choices or impulsive ones. The story of Mothers of Da Fang Xiang continues in Nanjing, China; Toronto, Canada and... More

Yi Hua Li
Yi Hua Li


Yi Hua Li

We grew up in a small military community compound in Nanjing, Yi Hua Li 7 was the home of many military musician-veterans (南京军区政治部前线文工团). My cousin Jiang Han and I spent lots of time playing under the lush fig tree in Grandma's busy garden. This... More

一炮而红 An instant hit
一炮而红 An instant hit


一炮而红 An instant hit

一炮而红, a Chinese idiom for "An instant Hit". Created for Chinese New Year, original done in water colour, and colour pencil. The illustration is digitally printed in 11 x 17 poster.

大院食堂 The Canteen
大院食堂 The Canteen


大院食堂 The Canteen

“The Canteen” is a performance created by Zhu Dandan (my mother), Matt Pi and myself. I translated Dandan’s essay “The Canteen” into English, and sent it to my musician friend Matt with other music samples from 1970s China as a prompt, he then... More

Work by

Wang Zi aka. 王紫

“a curious frog”